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Mother & Home Market

Woman of Worth Cling Affirmations

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“She is worth far more than rubies.” Proverbs 31:10

In the beloved Proverbs 31 passage, we hear a description of a Godly woman - a woman who is secure in herself as she joyfully serves the Lord and her family.

We created the new Woman of Worth Cling Affirmations to help affirm women in their worth and their royal place as daughters of the King of Kings. The Lord wants us to know that in Him we are each infinitely known and chosen. Our worth comes from Him, not from what we do, how we look or our vocation. What a grace that we are secure in His love. We pray that you may always know you are a woman of worth.

These clings will stick where you put them - even a bathroom mirror or shower wall!

Made in the USA.